
Saturday, October 23, 2010

God isn't Good, Hate is a Logical Misconception

Good needs bad to define it. If God is good, then he can't exist without ''bad.'' If God is synonymous with ''good,'' then he needs the struggle between good and evil in order to exist. God simply ''is.'' God can be described as the principle which has no opposite. Living things are expressions of God in the physical realm.

1.) ''God is love,''
2.) Hate is the void of love.

If God is love, and God simply ''is,'' then that which is the void of love is the void of what is.

If God is omnipresent--fully present everywhere, then the ''void of God'' is an impossibility.

Hate isn't so accurately described as ''a void,'' as it is ''a logical misconception,'' It is regarded as something, when really, it doesn't exist, except in the mind. Hate's existence is contrived through logical means based on false premises.