
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

''Is there a God?'' -A case for agnosticism

I would propose that: everyone has a god. Whatever you desperately submit to, whatever thing, idea, faith, etc. it is that you serve with your thoughts, actions, words, and decisions, that is your god. It could be your personal interpretation of an idea of a god outlined in a religion, it could simply be a goal you have for yourself. Sort of like ''no one can escape the workings of faith,'' although not everyone follows a religious faith, religiously.

But is there a God? To me, yes. Can this be proven beyond any shadow of a doubt? No. Can it be disproved? No. Does that make me an agnostic?

Faith is a decision, independent of comprehensive intellectual evidence; therefore, faith in God and ''proof'' are mutually exclusive. Isn't agnosticism basically a given, then?

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